Thursday, August 22, 2013

Stark House Newsletter, Hot Off the (Virtual) Presses

The courageous folks at Stark House have released their latest newsletter. (Damn right they’re courageous. A lot of publishers had their shot at me; only Stark House had the ouva to step up and put their name next to mine, damn the consequences. That takes courage. Or cluelessness. You can be the judge when the book comes out.)

A few highlights:

Brian Ritt, author of Paperback Confidential: Crime Writers of the Paperback Era will appear at Mystery Ink, 8907 Warner Ave. in Huntington Beach CA on Saturday, September 14 at 2:00.

Master of Mob Fiction Charlie Stella (Rough Riders, Johnny Porno), Stark House editor Rick Ollerman, and I will appear on a Book Cave podcast to be recorded in late September. I’ll provide details as I get them.

Hmmm. It also says Dana King (Grind Joint) is scheduled to appear at Bouchercon on a panel titled "Goodnight My Angel: Hard-boiled, Noir and the Reader's Love Affair with Both." This will be moderated by Peter Rozovsky on Friday, September 20th at 10:20 a.m.

Dana will also be doing an Author's Choice session the next day at 4:00 p.m., the topic to be Dana's choice (he welcomes questions).

(This King character sounds like he’s hanging onto people’s coattails, but what can I say? He has suction with this blog’s editor.)

You can send Stark House an email to subscribe for your own personal copies of future newsletters. To see back issues of the newsletter, click here.


pattinase (abbott) said...

Have a great time in Albany!

Dana King said...

I will, but you'll be missed, Patti.

I may have to make it my mission in life to meet you sometime. Hard to believe we were both in the same room at the same time in Indianapolis and didn't see/recognize each other.